Hormone replacement therapy, otherwise known as premenopausal hormone replacement therapy or post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy, is a popular form of hormone replacement therapy used to combat symptoms related to female menopause. The treatment can be used as an alternative to conventional estrogen and progesterone replacement, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. There are some common benefits to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), including the prevention of osteoporosis and some cancers, as well as lowering the risks of depression, blood clots, and certain endocrine disorders such as breast cancer. Hormone replacement therapy is often recommended as part of a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and a balanced diet, as well as being used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer patients.
While there are clear benefits to using hormone replacement therapy to combat menopause symptoms, there are also risks. Some of the risks include blood clots, strokes, heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, and osteoporosis. While the benefits may help in reducing these symptoms, it is unclear whether the risks outweigh the benefits. There have been fewer studies on the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy to date than there have been studies on the risks.
Some women choose to use low-dose progestin to treat symptoms of menopause and to relieve the discomfort that is associated with hot flashes. Low-dose progesterone is sometimes recommended for use in conjunction with estrogen. However, low-dose progesterone can be a risk because it tends to cause uterine contractions that may increase the risk of blood clots or even a possible increase in the risk of developing a blood clot in the lung. This is because progesterone produces estrogen.
Menopause is a part of the natural aging process. As women age, sometimes they need help with symptoms of menopause such as night sweats, hot flashes, and depression. Hormone replacement therapy is commonly prescribed for women who are unable to overcome the problems on their own. Sometimes, it can help to supplement the woman’s estrogen production with hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Women who reach the age of 45 years usually need hormone replacement therapy to maintain menopausal symptoms. A recent study estimated that nearly 20% of post-menopausal women used some form of hormone replacement therapy at one time or another. Some women may need more hormone replacement therapy than others due to their advanced age. If you regularly go through menopause without being on hormone replacement therapy and do not have other health issues, you may need to think about increasing your estrogen intake. If you are thinking about estrogen therapy as a means of helping you cope with menopause, you should talk to your doctor to determine if your body could tolerate the extra estrogen. Use this free test from Metro-MediSpa to find out if Hormone Replacement Therapy is right for you.
There are many bio-identical hormones available today. They are sometimes called “natural estrogen.” Some of the more common bio-identical hormones include clonidine, guarana, black cohosh, Muira Pauma, bromelain, and Tribulus Terrestris. In addition to the above-mentioned hormones, some plants are also known to be good bio-identical hormones. These plants include black cohosh, chaste tree, ginseng, ginkgo Biloba, and ginsenosides.